Integrative Medicine (International Program)
Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Integrative Medicine (International Program)
Program's Philosophy Create integrative medicine knowledge for health benefit for all humanity, and discover new knowledge in integrative medicine for health benefit for all humanity. Program's Objective Providing graduates who completed the program with following characteristics: 1 Knowledgeable in integrating integrative medicine knowledge. 2 Skill in conducting integrated research and apply the results in healthcare. 3 Leading in integrative medicine knowledge sharing for self and humanity. 4 Show honorable attitude and ethics in profession, professional research or integrative medicine academic. Career Profile 1 Lecturer in educational institution. 2. Integrative medicine researcher. 3. Integrative medicine scholar. 4. Integrative medicine expert. 5. Holding profession under your medical license by applying integrative medicine knowledge.

Course Syllabus


Master Degree


Study plan of Plan A Type A2 has courses for no less than 24 credits and dissertation of 12 credits.

Year 1

Semester 1

Semester 2

Core Subject

    CMI 601  Introduction to                       3 credits

                    Integrative Medicine   

    CMI 603  Research Methodology in       3 credits

                    Integrative Medicine              1 credit

    CMI 604  Special Problems in                6 credits

                    Integrative Medicine

 Major Elective Subject                              2 credits

 Elective Course

    CMI 602  Integrative Medicine                     3 credits

    CMI 605  Special Problem in Integrative      2 credits


Elective Course                                               4 credits


Total 15 credits

Total 9 credits

Year 2

Semester 1

Semester 2

Thesis                                                               6 credits

Thesis                                                                    6 credits

Total 6 credits

Total 6 credits

Total credits overall are no less than 36 credits

PhD Degree

Plan 1 (dissertation only)

          Plan 1.1 Graduate, who completed master’s degree, does dissertation for no less 48 credits. The student must study CMI 711 Seminar in Integrative Medicine 1 and CMI 712 Seminar in Integrative Medicine 2 and received P grade (Pass) excluding credit. 


          Plan 1.2 Graduate, who completed bachelor’s degree, does dissertation for no less than 72 credits. The student must study CMI 711 Seminar in Integrative Medicine 1 and CMI 712 Seminar in Integrative Medicine 2 and received P grade (Pass) excluding credit. And/or study other courses depending on the decision by the student advisor for dissertation.

1. Student with Master's Degree

 Year 1

Semester 1

Semester 2

     CMI 901  Dissertation                     8 credits

    CMI 711  Seminar in Integrative       1 credits

                    Medicine I

    CMI 901   Dissertation                      credits

    CMI 712  Seminar in Integrative       1 credits

                    Medicine II

Total 8 credits

Total 9 credits

Year 2

Semester 1

Semester 2

    CMI 901  Dissertation                     8 credits

    CMI 901  Dissertation                     8 credits

Total 8 credits Total 8 credits
  Year 3
 Semester 1 Semester 2 
   CMI 901  Dissertation                     8 credits     CMI 901  Dissertation                     8 credits 
 Total 8 credits Total 8 credits 
Total credits requirement is 48 credits 

2. Student with Bachelor's Degree

Year 1

Semester 1

Semester 2

    CMI 902  Dissertation                      9 credits 

    CMI 711  Seminar in Integrative       1 credits

                    Medicine I

    CMI 902  Dissertation                      9 credits 

    CMI 712  Seminar in Integrative       1 credits

                    Medicine II

Total 9 credits

Total 9 credits

Year 2

Semester 1

Semester 2

    CMI 902  Dissertation                      9 credits

    CMI 902  Dissertation                      9 credits

Total 9 credits Total 9 credits
 Year 3
 Semester 1 Semester 2
   CMI 902  Dissertation                      9 credits     CMI 902  Dissertation                       9 credits 
 Total 9 credits Total 9 credits 
  Year 4
 Semester 1 Semester 2
   CMI 902  Dissertation                      9 credits     CMI 902  Dissertation                       9 credits 
  Total 9 credits  Total 9 credits 
Total credits requirement is 72 credits 


General requirements


Master Degree

Study plan A2 includes a dissertation of no less than 12 credits and lecture completion of no less than 24 credits.

1. (Group 1) Clinical Dissertation Applicants must hold a Doctor of Medicine, Dental Sciences, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Thai Medicine or related fields that are approved by the University Council with a non-expired vocational license or

2. (Group 2) Medical Social Sciences Dissertation Applicants must hold a Bachelor's Degree in Medical Sciences, Public Health Sciences, Health Sciences or related fields that are approved by the University Council

3. Good command of English

4. Applications who are an entrepreneur or have experience in healthcare service of at least 1 year will be highly considered.

5. Applications must have GPA of no less than 2.50

6. Foreign applicants who use English as their primary language must pass the aforementioned qualifications 1-2 and that set by the scholarship committee.

7. Applications, who applied for Doctor of Philosophy program in Integrative Medicine but fail to qualify for the program two separate times, may request to transfer to study in the Master of Science program in Integrative Medicine Students are required to complete lectures and a dissertation as stated in the program.

8. Other qualifications must be in accordance to Thammasat University's regulation regarding graduate studies, 2561 B.E.  


PhD Degree

Study Plan Type 1

1. Applications who are holding a Master's Degree in Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Health Science fields, e.g., Medical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Nursing, Physical Therapy or equivalent from either a domestic or foreign University which is approved by the University Council with a GPA of no less than 3.25 and at least 1 publication in a reputable scientific journal are eligible. Those with a GPA less than 3.25, applicants must have work experience in a related field for at least 2 years.

2. Applications who hold a Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Dental Surgery or equivalent from either a domestic or foreign university which is approved by the University Council with a GPA of no less publication in an academic journal.

3. Applications who are studying in the Master of Science program in Integrative Medicine at Chulabhorn International College of Medicine must comply with the following conditions.

3.1) Applications must hold a Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Bachelor's Degree in Nursing, Physical Therapy, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Thai Medicine or related fields with an accompanying vocational license or must hold a Bachelor's Degree in Health Sciences, Public Health Sciences or related fields that are approved by the University Council with a GPA of no less than 3.50.

3.2) Advisors and lectures may allow applications to study in the Doctor Degree in Integrative Medicine if the applicant passes all requirements and completes a dissertation with equal credits and duration to that of a doctoral degree.

4. Foreign applications who use English as their primary language must pass the aforementioned qualifications (1-2) and meet the requirements set by the scholarship committee.

5. Other qualifications must be in compliance with Thammasat University's regulation regarding graduate studies, 2561 B.E.

Specific requirements


English requirements

Requirements of International Program Admission

1. Criteria for the English Proficiency

Criteria for the English Proficiency   TOEFL
(Only Bachelor's degree) 
 Paper-based  Internet-based  Paper-based Computer-based
Score  500  61  500  61  6.0  69

2. Requirements of International Program Admission with conditions
In case applicants do not meet the English score criteria by Thammasat University but possess other efficient qualities such as having an excellent grade or having some international research publications, the faculty/department may still accept them as students, provide they meet the minimum English score requirements as outlined.

Criteria for the English Proficiency   TOEFL
(Only Bachelor's degree) 
 Paper-based  Internet-based  Paper-based  Computer-based
Score  400 32  400  32 4.5 45

However, the faculty/department must help improve the language skills of the students by providing language-related activities or by requiring certain language-related subjects, which may be offered by the faculty or other departments of the university.

3. The English Proficiency Requirement for Graduation (Except Graduate Diploma Program)

Criteria for the English Proficiency   TOEFL
 Paper-based  Internet-based  Paper-based  Computer-based
Score 550 79  550  79 6.5

Note: English proficiency examination results must be valid and may not be more than 2 years old at the time of admission or graduation.

General knowledge score


Preferred Characteristics


Supporting Documents for Program Admission


1) Basic clinical research, qualitative research, and social science medicine.

2) Interview.

Tuition and Fees


Master Degree

65,000 THB per semester


PhD Degree

70,000 THB per semester



Admission for Integrative Medicine

Tel. 02-5644440 Ext. 4495

Integrative Medicine Department 

Tel. 02-5644440 Ext. 7593, 7596


Office: +66 2564 4440-9 Ext. 4118



PR-Ext. 4118 / Admission-Ext. 4559-4560

Administration-Ext. 4539 / Personnel-Ext. 4541


Chulabhorn International College of Medicine,

Thammasat University

Cooperative Learning Center, Piyachart 2

99 Moo 18 Klong Luang, Rangsit, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand