Social Gerontology

Conditions of the Newly Registered Students

 New students must have specific qualifications as stated, those who do not possess a complete required degree or fail to meet one of specific qualifications of the university, will be denied to study in the program and the payment made through the application process will not be returned.
 Successful candidates must register and pay any fee on designated time and they are not allowed to study more than one program at the same time unless they are approved by the university rector.
 Newly-registered students who have been using any untrue documents on the process of application, examination, and registration will be denied to study and be prosecuted as criminality.
Admission Schedule
Applicable Programs
 Social Gerontology
 Longevity Medicine
Students’ Qualifications
 Social Gerontology
 Longevity Medicine
 Application Process
 Application for Admission
Evidence and Documents
 Social Gerontology
 Longevity Medicine
Selection Criteria
Announcement & Examination
 Written and Interview
Examination Regulations
Education Fee